Tag: Alteration
TOP 30 Techno Chart – July 2018
#dubiksmusiccharts This months Techno Playlist/Chart #besttracksofthemonth
TOP 30 July Chart 2018
1. Wlderz - Algo (6:41)
2. Swayzak - Odessa Calling (9:00)
3. 2Mau - Haarlem (Original Mix) (6:25)
4. BFVR - Petrol...
Premiere : Schmeichel – Evidence
Another #dubikspremiere today is Schmeichel with Evidence,taken from Alteration EP on Defrostatica Records out April 27
Schmeichel represents a new generation of producers...
Schmeichel – Alteration EP on Defrostatica
Schmeichel represents a new generation of producers from Leipzig who like to tell personal stories with their music. He is processing and synthesizing elusive...