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Tag: Risico

Premiere : Claudio Masso – Altair (Astrophone Records)

Today #dubikspremiere is italian talented Claudio Masso with Altair,taken from S/T EP ,out June 22 on Astrophone Records,as featured on #dubiksmusiccharts #besttracksofthemonth Melodic...

Claudio Masso – Altair EP (inc.Marcus Henriksson, Risico remix) on Astrophone...

Astrophone travelers, finally here we are! The month of the sun given us one of the most important moments of “Astro” history: a 5...

TOP 30 Techno (October Playlist/Chart 2017)

#dubiksmusiccharts This months Techno Playlist/Chart TOP 30 Techno October Chart  2017 1. Too Guys - Pictor Ex Animo (Silas & Snare Remix) https://youtu.be/-RLHDV6_KPY 2. AnD oR...

TOP 30 Progressive Tech (Playlist/Chart – July 2017)

#dubiksmusiccharts This months Progressive Tech Playlist/Chart TOP 30 Progressive Tech (Playlist/Chart - July 2017) 1. Knarly Knob - Silva 2. Ornery - Focus (Original Mix) 3. Degray -...