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Tag: THOR – Black

TOP 40 Techno Chart – May 2019

#dubiksmusiccharts This months Techno Playlist/Chart #besttracksofthemonth TOP 40 May Chart 2019 1. Lopezhouse - Arratsaldean (Dave Clarke remix) (7:14) https://soundcloud.com/dubiks/todt-lopezhouse-arratsaldean-dave-clarke-remixsincopat 2. Yak - Wide Eye (5:37) https://soundcloud.com/r-srecords/yak-wide-eye-1 3. Spettro - Taxco (5:28) https://soundcloud.com/dubiks/premiere-spettro-taxco-audiophile-deep 4. Rebūke...

Listen : “Æ9” (incl. Sanasol and THOR) Æ Recordings...

For the 9th offering from Æ Recordings, we have a various artists release. What all these artists have in common is that they have...