Tag: Primavera
Moderat return from their six year hiatus with news of their...
For bands, a “hiatus” is usually just a polite way of announcing a break-up, but sometimes, a hiatus is just that—a hiatus. Back in...
Listen : Marie Davidson – ‘Work It (Soulwax Remix)’
Released today, legendary Belgian duo Soulwax - otherwise known as 2manydjs - propel Marie’s spoken text, tongue-in-cheek mantra for the workaholic generation over their...
DubiksMusicAlert : Songs you need to hear this week
#DubiksMusicAlert #DMA Songs you need to hear this week
Click on track for more!
Hansaa & Soso Ft. A.CHAL -Primavera
dvsn – Mood
Plan B – Heartbeat