Sportiv 005 is Cosmin TRG going on the offense with a 3-track tactical package.
Romanian Deadlift celebrates the spirit of acclaimed Olympians with resolute, floor-shattering kickdrums and a superset of corrosive arps and leads. The tempo picks up with Exuberant Gambit, a jungle-tekkno hybrid that flexes a rugged, mutant „Think“ break under porous beats and an eerie aerobic melody. Mae Geri delivers the final forward thrust with abbrasive percussion underlining a paranoid sequence reminiscent of ’90s era NYC warehouse material.
Packed with olympic energy, Sportiv 005 is a high-intensity, dance floor-optimised escapade.
release date 31.05.2019
A – Romanian Deadlift
B1 – Exuberant Gambit
B2 – Mae Geri