Berlin based NenaHalena has a rich but undiscovered history in live music. Roles as a Producer/Engineer and Instrumentalist to many of the underground’s players have gone unrecognised, but fundamental in the personality that is stamped on the music.
NenaHalena’s creativity and deep connection with the art of live music stems from a young age. As a child, obsessing over blues & jazz scales and playing rhythms with anything which would make a sound. Those influences would later lead to founding a samba school, sharing experiences with younger musicians.
Time-served perfecting the craft, NenaHalena is set to embark on a solo mission with a string of original releases that are set to make their mark.
La Ku Rubà transports you into a hedonistic paradise. With the help of a dancing xylophone echoing off kilter melodies, on top of a warm welcoming bassline. The track is soon accompanied by a rich distinct tribal vocal encompassing the floaty vibe of the track. Each element is introduced with precision accuracy to ensure each plays its roll in this work of art.