Stream debut Dolenz LP on dBridge’s Exit Records

Dolenz, as a person and as an artist, is a citizen of the world.

His journey started in High Wycombe from there he moved to London in 1998 and then on to the Middle East in 2004 for 9 years after which he returned to London, he still regularly travels across the world; the lens he uses to communicate his art is filtered through all of this.

The album was written as an imaginary soundtrack to a film, Lingua Franca. The film is a dystopian sci-fi movie set on a sister planet of Earth (called Geminus). In the movie, the main protagonist discovers that all other species (animals, insects, plants) on the planet are ‘communicating’ with the Earth’s core, which is keeping it turning. ‘Humans’ are the only species that aren’t communicating with the Earth’s core and they eventually destroy the planet. Yes, the word ‘dystopian’ is used here but the story is very much rooted in a reality we’re facing.

Dolenz creative palette takes cue’s from The Bomb Squad (Public Enemy) Sa Ra Creative Partners, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Apocalypse Now, Fabio and Marly Marl.

The synergy between Dolenz and Exit Records is very evident. Both entities take a melange of influences that are then distilled into something that truly makes the label and more specifically Dolenz such as exciting musical proposition.

Dolenz – Lingua Franca
Release Date: May 17th 2019
Format: Vinyl & Digital

Track List:
01. Helium I
02. Yottabyte
03. Geminus
04. Hydrofracker
05. Contains Syncrolon feat Hector Plimmer
06. Introducing Spacebody
07. Original Trailer
08. Evesdrop
09. Seed Mantra feat Elsa Hewitt & Saskia Horton
10. Filter Bubble ft Deft
11. Helium II
12. Pull feat Guilty Simpson
13. Some Drum (Redux)
14. Outpost
15. Main Theme
16. Jevastator