Premiere: Bayalien Sound System – Black Beans

Black Beans, from Tabs EP, out April 10 on We Got This Music
BAYALIEN SOUND SYSTEM are Chris Cohan aka Poppa Doses and Ivan Lindau
aka Golden Eye both from the San Francisco Bay Area.

The psychedelic spirit and mind need music to keep from going blind. Everything becomes dull and bland, like a saltine with no water; sand with no ocean; a kite with no wind. For people who crave sound system shaking music, songs with no sub bass can be quite torrid. If you’re one of these people,look no further. Your cure has arrived.

Whether you’re listening to Bayalien’snew EP Tabs on headphones or Void’s, the sub bass will deliver you to another worldly dimension of massage chairs that use sub-woofers as their main mechanism

Track Listing:
1. Tabs
2. Hottest
3. Pusher
4. Black Beans

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