Man Power drops 4 EP releases today on Bandcamp, with all profits going to charity

A note from Man Power –

If you’re in a hurry, here’s the Short Version:

At the beginning of the Covid Outbreak, when my gigs all cancelled, a lot of kind people helped me out financially by buying my music on Bandcamp.
I’d like to pass on that wonderful energy and provide my music to try and raise money for other people who are in need right now, so I’m putting my entire forthcoming release schedule up for sale, starting with four new Man Power EPs this Friday, with all profits being donated to charities supporting the Front Line NHS

And if you want to know more, here’s the Longer Version

This year was supposed to see me attempt my most ambitious creative project so far.
I’d decided to try and completely circumvent the concepts of gatekeepers, conventional wisdom and industry approval, and using my label “Me Me Me” to release everything single unreleased piece music that I’ve made and that I’m was proud of.
This materialised in to me planning on releasing an EP a week, for 8 weeks, which I was due to start doing on May 1st.

I’ve scrapped that plan.

It was conceived for a version of the world that doesn’t exist anymore.
More to the point, in the current circumstances, the thought of having to promote myself every week for 8 weeks just makes me feel a bit sick, as I believe that now, more than ever before, is the time for us to look how to help each other, not just ourselves.

I’d flirted with idea of postponing the releases, but the idea of having 35 tracks sitting waiting for the world to change, while i have very little else to do right now other than explore making new music, seemed to transform one of my most positive achievements in to a big negative weight around my neck.

There may not be any clubs open to dance to this music in, but releasing them for such good cause has given this music a reason to exist.
It represents my best work ever, and I feel grateful that circumstances that during such an undeniably bleak time, I’ve still been given an opportunity to use my music for something uplifting.

Statements 1-4 Are out May 1st Via Bandcamp

This also coincides with Bandcamp giving 100% of income to artists for a full day, which means even more money for the NHS from purchases made on May 1st.