Taken from Redline Limited Series #02 ,out October 26 on LEVELNONZERO
RX 7 and Full EP is available For Club DJ-s and Radio DJ’s
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A pioneer in the electronic game Pascal Feos shows the world time and time again why his versatility as an electronic artist knows no bounds. His fresh take on electronic music surpasses his peers through his energy, enigmatic drum progressions and expert level of attention through layering sounds that blur the lines between able to adjust your ear to what you perceive music to sound like.
His rendition of the techno sound comes from an overwhelming need to stamp his level of authority in the music arena with such force that his legacy will be remembered for years after its introduction, and sitting at the core of this undying love for the unrelenting nature that is techno is the Red Line Series which is available exclusively through the German based dance imprint levelNONZERO.
The Redline limited series #02 is a raw, unadulterated approach that we have come to love from the LNZ boss. His ability to weave together uncompromising electronic progressions that build energy and groove to unprecedented levels allows only those with a true passion for the genre to be able to remain in its presence.
The 1st track “Endless Rotation” is hypnotic in its structure. Difficult to describe, the waveforms that comprise the song bend and curve unnaturally being held together by strong drum progressions and percussive elements creating a dramatic stage for the big, surgically precise synths that cut through the track. The 2nd track, “RX_7”, has acidic roots with bent, almost warped out synths and grooves that unfold with a real acid house influences which are underpinned with techno styled energy and powerful drum arrangements. In comparison to other the two songs, RX_7 brings the EP together beautifully showing Pascal`s versality as producer not only being able to focus on driven, pounding techno energy but also a groove focused feel where syncopation and automated beauty take precedence through his tracks. The 3rd and final track within the EP named “Acupuncture” is a true techno classic with kicks that hit right through your sternum reverberating throughout your body as the track unfolds with rigorous drum progressions, syncopated madness and contained chaos that lifts and carries dancers effortlessly from start to end.
Listen Pascal FEOS – Demonstration
Free Download Pascal FEOS – Quality Time 4 All
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